Extending the Life of Your Existing Horse Fency by Adding ElectroBraid
Many horse owners are looking to keep their horses safer by adding electric fencing to their current paddocks and horse fencing. Combination fencing can help preserve your fence and ensure the safety of your herd. This process can be made easy by using ElectroBraid for your combination fencing needs. You’ve invested a lot of money into your physical fence for aesthetics and safety; you want it to last a long time in between repairs! But, your horses say otherwise; they’re leaning on the fencing, using it as a scratching pole, and nibbling on your wooden posts. This constant abuse can...
How to Choose the Best Energizer
Energizers, are the heart of the fence system, providing the source for the electric current that flows through the ElectroBraid. Energizers, also known as fence chargers or fencers, vary by amount of current they output and their power source. The size of fence charger needed is dependent upon your fencing needs. These needs are determined by four main factors: Length of the fence Number of wires Power source (AC, DC, or Solar) Type of animal being contained or excluded. Energizer terminology: Low-impedance - A low impedance fence charger means that there is less resistance (or impedance) in the...
What is an Energizer?
Whether you’re installing a new electric fence or updating your current fence – the energizer is the heart of your system, and making the proper choice is a must. What is an Energizer? Also known as chargers, energizers, fencers, zappers, etc., energizers are the source of electrical current to your fence. This is what determines the “zap” when touched, as long as the fence is properly grounded. There are basically three different types of energizers: AC-powered/plug-in, DC-powered/battery-powered, and solar-powered. AC Fence Energizers – The most popular of fence energizers, AC energizers are perfect for large areas of fencing. If a reliable...
How to Use Neutral Plate Connectors
The neutral plate connector: Allows you to connect the copper ElectroBraid system to steel, galvanized or aluminum wire Allows you to take power to or from an existing fence wire that is not copper Creates the best conductivity in all splices, terminations and electrical connections Prevents corrosion between different metals in a wire connection Requires the use of a copper lead-out wire Use ElectroBraid to expand your existing electric fence systemEven if you currently have an electric fence that uses steel, galvanized or aluminum wire, you can still add or expand your fencing system using the copper-based ElectroBraid system. When...
How to Run Your Lines
The ElectroBraid high-voltage insulated copper lead out wire is heavily insulated, with a solid copper conductor for the core, and is rated at 15kv. It serves as the connection that completes the electrical circuit, bringing power from your energizer/charger to the ground rods, then to your ElectroBraid fence, between strands of braid and back to the negative grounded strand on your fence. The ElecroBraid copper lead out wire is designed to be unrolled smoothly from a spool that spins freely—either suspended between your hands or from a vehicle. DO NOT take lead out wire off a stationary roll...